Examene - Certificare IIA
Dear contact.firstname, Congratulations on taking the first step toward obtaining the Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) designation! Our records indicate you are approved into the CIA program. Now is the perfect time to complete your registration and pay your exam fees before prices increase on 1 September 2022, per the chart below. To submit your exam registration: 2. Select “Manage my Program” from the CCMS homepage. 3. Select the exam you would like to register for. Once registration has been completed, you have 180 days to schedule and sit for that exam. s
Learn more about CIA eligibility and current pricing here. REGISTER NOW: https://ccms.theiia.org/ Attention IIA Certified Individuals and Certification Candidates:
The Institute of Internal Auditors will be launching a new certification candidate management system (CCMS) in the first half of 2019, and there is a critical action for you to complete to ensure a smooth transition.
The first time you use the new CCMS, it will require you to use your primary email address as your user name to log in. If the system does not already have an active email listed as your primary email, you will not be able to log in.
Please login to the current CCMS today to make sure we have your current email address: https://www.theiia.org/ccms
Exam Test Centers: Schedule Now to Test before 31 December 2018 As we approach the end of the year, we have been informed by Pearson VUE, our certification test administrator, that many test centers are reaching capacity. If you have local certification candidates who plan to sit for an IIA exam by the end of 2018, please advise them to schedule as quickly as possible so they may obtain their desired date and time, as IIA Global cannot guarantee test center availability.
CCSA/CFSA/CGAP Transition Reminder As previously communicated, after 31 December 2018 IIA Global will no longer accept applications for the CCSA, CFSA, and CGAP programs. Candidates who have been approved into the program after 13 August 2018 will have two years to complete their program. Please communicate this transition to local in-process candidates. You may obtain a list by downloading the Exam Status Report available in the Certification Reporting portal.
CIA Challenge Exam: Opportunity for Many to Earn the CIA As part of the transition of the CCSA, CFSA, and CGAP programs, individuals who achieve certification by 31 December 2018, but do not hold the CIA designation, will have the opportunity to apply for the CIA challenge exam beginning April 2019.
CPE Cerința de raportare etică aprobată pentru anul 2018
Consiliul de certificări profesionale al IIA (PCB) a aprobat cerința ca, începând cu anul 2018, toți titularii activi de certificate IIA să includă 2 ore de formare în domeniul eticii, ca parte a orelor de educație profesională continuă (CPE) necesare pentru a-și menține certificările.
Noile taxe anuale pentru certificarile IIA incepand cu 01 aprilie 2017
Taxa anuala perceputa la raportarea CPE pentru certificarea CIA este de 30 USD, respectiv de 20 USD pentru celelalte certificari de specialitate(CGAP,CFSA, CCSA, CRMA) si se achita online direct de catre fiecare membru in sistemul IIA Global *Certification Candidate Management System* (CCMS), respectiv in aceeasi locatie unde se face si raportarea CPE, pana la sfarsitul fiecarui an calendaristic.
Este o taxa perceputa de catre IIA Global pentru raportarea tuturor certificarilor, incepand cu 1 Aprilie 2017. Mai multe informatii cu privire la raportarea CPE puteti gasi accesand urmatoarea adresa:
Scrisoarea IIA 2008
Incepand cu anul 2008, examenele de certificare IIA(C.I.A.;C.C.S.A.;C.G.A.P.; C.F.S.A.) se vor desfasura prin completarea testului in sistem computerizat (IIA Certification Announces Transition to Computer - Based Testing ).
Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) -
Certification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA) -
Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) -
Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA) -
Certification in Risk Management Assurance(CRMA) -
Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership (QIAL) -
Asociatia are responsabilitatea transmiterii datelor personale pentru noii membrii AAIR pentru ca acestia sa poata beneficia de reducerile acordate membrilor IIA, aferente taxelor de inscriere / sustinere a examenelor. In acest sens este obligatorie completarea de catre fiecare persoana fizica care se inscrie in AAIR (devenind cu aceasta ocazie si membru IIA-Global) si a Structurii tabelare mentionata in submeniul membrii- in limba romana si limba engleza.
Dear contact.firstname,
Congratulations on taking the first step toward obtaining the Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) designation! Our records indicate you are approved into the CIA program. Now is the perfect time to complete your registration and pay your exam fees before prices increase on 1 September 2022, per the chart below.
To submit your exam registration:
1. Log into your CCMS profile.
2. Select “Manage my Program” from the CCMS homepage.
3. Select the exam you would like to register for. Once registration has been completed, you have 180 days to schedule and sit for that exam.
2022 Certification Exam Price – Effective 1 September 2022 |
Member |
Nonmember |
CIA Part 1 Exam |
US $295 |
US $425 |
CIA Part 2 Exam |
US $265 |
US $395 |
CIA Part 3 Exam |
US $265 |
US $395 |
Learn more about CIA eligibility and current pricing here.
For any questions related to your certification, contact us by opening a case in CCMS under the Help tab.